Careers Information for Teachers
Careers Education: Information for Teachers
At Robertsbridge Community College, we are committed to ensuring that every student receives high-quality careers education, information, advice, and guidance (CEIAG). As part of this commitment, teachers across all subject areas play a vital role in embedding careers education into their lessons and helping students link their learning to future career pathways.
The Role of Teachers in Careers Education
Teachers have an essential part to play in preparing students for their future careers. Whether it’s integrating real-world applications of subject content, discussing career opportunities related to your subject, or supporting students with career-related events, your involvement helps students make informed choices about their futures.
Here’s how teachers can contribute to the school’s careers education programme:
1. Linking Curriculum to Careers
- Career-Relevant Lessons: Incorporate discussions on careers, industries, and employability skills within your subject area to help students see the relevance of what they are learning.
- Real-World Examples: Use real-world examples from your subject to highlight potential career paths and industries that rely on skills learned in your classroom.
- Careers Displays: Consider creating subject-specific career displays in classrooms to visually highlight the connection between academic learning and career options.
2. Supporting the Careers Curriculum
- Collaborate with the Careers Leader to integrate careers-related learning into lessons, especially in PSHE or when delivering careers-specific workshops.
- Help students develop employability skills such as problem-solving, teamwork, communication, and resilience, which are important in any career.
3. Promoting Careers Events and Opportunities
- Careers Fairs and Employer Engagement: Encourage students to participate in career fairs, employer talks, and networking events. Teachers can support students in preparing questions and making the most of these opportunities.
- Work Experience: Support students in Year 10 as they prepare for work experience, helping them reflect on their goals and what they hope to gain from the experience.
4. Identifying and Referring Students for Careers Support
- Career Aspirations: Talk to your students about their career interests and aspirations. If a student is unsure about their next steps or needs more guidance, refer them to the Careers Leader/Adviser for individual support.
- Targeted Support: Be proactive in identifying students who may need additional support with careers guidance, especially those who are at risk of becoming NEET (Not in Education, Employment, or Training).
5. Supporting Post-16 Pathways
- Teachers of students in Years 11 are encouraged to help students explore post-16 and post-18 options, including A-levels, T Levels, apprenticeships, and university choices.
- Provide advice and guidance related to subject-specific pathways in higher education, technical education, or direct employment.
Professional Development for Teachers
To support teachers in delivering effective careers education, we offer the following professional development opportunities:
- Careers CPD Workshops: Regular workshops are available for staff to explore how to embed careers education into their subject areas and understand the latest labour market trends.
- Subject-Specific Careers Guidance: Resources and advice on subject-specific careers pathways are available from the Careers Leader & Careers Adviser, ensuring teachers are equipped with information to guide students.
- Gatsby Benchmarks Training: Learn about the Gatsby Benchmarks and how they can be implemented in the classroom to meet national standards for good careers guidance.
The Gatsby Benchmarks and Teachers’ Role
At Robertsbridge Community College, we follow the Gatsby Benchmarks to provide students with structured, high-quality careers education. Teachers contribute directly to the following benchmarks:
1. Benchmark 4 – Linking Curriculum Learning to Careers
Teachers are expected to include career-related learning in their lessons and help students understand the importance of their subjects in the real world.
2. Benchmark 5 – Encounters with Employers and Employees
Teachers can assist in facilitating career talks, employer visits, and other interactions with professionals from various industries.
3. Benchmark 6 – Experiences of Workplaces
Teachers support work experience programmes by preparing students and helping them reflect on their experiences.
Careers Resources for Teachers
We provide various resources to help teachers effectively integrate careers education into their lessons:
- Lesson Plans and Resources: Ready-made lesson plans and subject-specific resources linking curriculum content to careers.
- Online Careers Padlet: Teachers can direct students to our careers Padlet, where they can explore career options, apprenticeship vacancies, and higher education pathways.
East Sussex Careers Hub Resources: Click the link below
Get Involved in Careers Education
Teachers interested in becoming more involved in the school’s careers programme can:
- Collaborate with the Careers Leader & Adviser: Share ideas for integrating careers into your subject or volunteering to help with careers events and workshops.
- Lead Careers Events: Host employer engagement activities, coordinate workplace visits, or lead sessions on careers in your subject area.
For further information or to discuss how you can contribute to our career’s education programme, please contact our Careers Leader:
- Name: Mrs Laura Linch
- Email:
- Phone: 01580 880360