Robertsbridge Community College


Our curriculum intent

Drama improves self-confidence/self-esteem and interpersonal skills. We offer a broad, engaging curriculum across KS3 and KS4 that allows opportunity for individual growth and development and to increase the ability to think and respond creatively.

Students will become skilled practitioners and will be able to confidently demonstrate a range of practical performance skills, incorporating both voice and movement. Drama empowers students to develop literacy and oracy skills as well as their ability to analyse and evaluate in both written and practical work.

Drama provides a safe environment to explore and understand social and moral issues that nurtures empathetic skills, viewing events from multiple perspectives; the arts make us feel connected to one another and less isolated. Students are taught about specific roles within the theatre industry in order that they can understand their relevance in the world today.

Through experience of theatre, students connect to their cultural heritage and we encourage them to be engaged and active theatre participants. Drama builds resilience in the face of challenge; it changes the lives of our students in the present and prepares them for their future.

What this looks like in practice

Drama at Robertsbridge Community College is a lively and popular subject, both within the curriculum and as an extra-curricular activity. It builds successful relationships, raises confidence levels and improves skills needed in all subject areas. The curriculum is accessible to all, enabling every student to achieve; encouraging creativity, social skills and boosting self-esteem.

In Key Stage 3, the main aims are to develop confidence, cooperation and begin to work on basic Drama skills. The curriculum covers a range of topics including Devising from a Stimulus, Acting from a Script, Physical Theatre, Improvisation and a Shakespeare unit.

Basic skills are developed further with an emphasis on performance and we begin to develop work on evaluating practical work. A variety of topics are covered including Melodrama and Silent Film, a Shakespeare unit and performing comedy roles through the study of ‘Our Day Out’ by Willy Russell.

At Key Stage 4, the GCSE Drama course follows the AQA specification and is split into three components:
  • Component 1: Understanding Drama is the written exam and makes up 40% of the overall mark. This consists of multiple choice questions about theatre making, a study of a set text and the analysis and evaluation of a live theatre performance.
  • Component 2: Devising Drama requires students to develop a piece of devised theatre in response to a stimulus. It is assessed through a devised performance and a devising log which analyses and evaluates their own work. Thus makes up 40% of the overall GCSE.
  • Component 3: Texts in Practice is an externally assessed practical performance. Students perform two extracts from a play to a visiting examiner. This unit makes up 20% of the overall mark.

We aim to arrange at least one theatre visit for GCSE Drama students so that they are able to see the work of theatre makers in a live theatre production. Past trips have included Frankenstein, The Women in Black and Warhorse.

Extra-curricular events

KS3 Drama Club runs once a week at lunchtime and is open to all students. KS4 Drama club is on offer at lunchtime once a week and after-school for all GCSE Drama students who wish to complete additional rehearsals for upcoming assessments and practical work.

School productions are an exciting opportunity for students across Years 7-10 to get involved in and we try and encourage as many students as possible to do so. Our past productions include a KS3 Shakespeare showcase, ‘A Christmas Carol’, ‘The Changing Room’ as part of the National Theatre Connections festival as well as showcases from the GCSE students. Drama students who wish to complete additional rehearsals for upcoming assessments and practical work. 

Curriculum overview

Detailed information about the curriculum for each year group can be found in the document below.