Our curriculum intent
Mathematics is the language of logic and problem solving, it teaches us to look for patterns and make predictions. Here at RCC we believe that Maths is all about the way that we break problems down and the processes that we use to solve them. We want to build strong resilient Mathematicians, and to this we have developed a curriculum that will encourage logic and reasoning skills as well as communication skills and taking careful attention to detail.
Our curriculum encompasses the full demands of the National Curriculum, building on the learning at Key Stage 2, developing fluency, reasoning, and problem-solving elements. We want students to question how Maths is used in the world around them. We all need Maths skills to solve problems around us outside of school. These can be looking after our finances and finding best value options to being able to question statistics and numbers that they are presented with in the news or social media.
Over their time at the College, students will cover a vast range of Maths, looking at the history of Maths and the awe of numbers in nature and the arts. Students will follow a spiral curriculum where topics will be seen and built upon year on year. We interleave topics wherever possible to allow students to keep all their skills up to date and apply them to new situations.
What this looks like in practice
The Maths department seeks to challenge students of all abilities. The differentiated curriculum provides a grounding for students with opportunities for all.
In Key Stage 3, students are taught in mixed-ability groups as soon as they enter Year 7. The accelerated curriculum covers a wide breadth of topics and allows for a range of activities and challenges.
Problem solving is encouraged as soon as students start in Year 7 to help them to prepare for their future years.
In KS4 students cover the OCR GCSE syllabus. Students are assessed at the end of each topic in order to provide consistent feedback and measure progress.
For the final GCSE qualification, there are two tiers of entry, Foundation (Grades 1 to 5) and Higher (Grades 4 to 9). The qualification is graded on a scale from 1 to 9, with 9 being the highest grade. Students sit three, equally weighted, written examination papers:
- Paper 1 Calculator
- Paper 2 Non Calculator
- Paper 3 Calculator
For all year groups homework is provided on a weekly basis. This is through the online programme Sparks. All students have their own login, and the platform creates a bespoke homework for all students based around the curriculum they have just been taught. In addition, there is the facility for students to access independent study and revision.
Curriculum overview
Detailed information about the curriculum for each year group can be found in the document below.
Curriculum Map - Maths 2022.pdf
Curriculum Map - Statistics 2022.pdf
Subject Leader Self-Reflection - Maths.pdf
Useful links
Here you can find resources and guidance to reinforce learning carried out in class and to complete successful revision.
Useful Websites
(NB: Links below open in a new browser window).
mathsgenieexamsolutions gcse mathsRevision Apps
Revision Tips
- Practice! Practice! Practice! The key to revising maths is to practice as many questions as possible. To revise maths, you need to do maths!
- Use all resources available to you - revision guides, maths websites, morning intervention, after school revision, your maths teacher.
- Make sure you revise topics you struggle with first. Do what you can't do, not what you can.
- Revise for short periods of time. Make sure you eat, drink and take regular rest breaks.