Robertsbridge Community College

Religious Education

Our curriculum intent

Religious Education/Studies gives students an opportunity to explore religious and world beliefs of different cultures whilst also questioning their own beliefs and moral code. Our curriculum concerns the big questions about life, death and what it takes to make a successful citizen of the global world as well as equipping students with an overview of philosophy and ethics.

The curriculum promotes the important skills and understanding needed to keep Britain tolerant and inclusive. This curriculum has the development of student’s social, moral, spiritual and cultural development as a priority. Students are constantly encouraged to reflect upon not only their own but other’s actions, beliefs and motivations; whether that is religious or world view.

The East Sussex SACRE has advised as to our key themes and suggested content which ensures the curriculum is varied and challenging for each year group. Careers guidance is promoted through understanding world views and developing tolerance, listening to others opinions and asking questions.

What this looks like in practice

In Key Stage 3, students follow a curriculum based around developing a greater understanding and tolerance of our multi-faith society. 

  • We investigate ultimate questions such as " why does evil exist?" and " what is the purpose of life?" 
  • We study topics that explain the diversity of life and religion in the modern world 
  • We improve our philosophical thinking skills and the ability to think outside of the box
  • We understand contemporary ethical and religious issues such as medical ethics and religious fundamentalism 
  • We develop communication skills and learn to clearly express your views and increase your self-confidence

In Years 10 and 11, all students will continue to study R.E. as part of their core curriculum, with at least one lesson a fortnight. They will explore topics covering a range of religious and ethical topics, such as evil and suffering, marriage and the family, truth and justice, is it ever right to kill?, and what is ethics?

In Key Stage 4, students can also select Religious Studies as a GCSE subject. The course follows two religions; Christianity and Buddhism. Students will follow an in depth study of both of these religions. The topics studied throughout this course are:


  • Christian Beliefs
  • Marriage and the Family
  • Living the Christian Life
  • Matters of Life and Death


  • Buddhist Beliefs
  • Crime and Punishment
  • Living the Buddhist Life
  • Peace and Conflic

Curriculum overview

Detailed information about the curriculum for each year group can be found in the document below.

Curriculum Map - Religious Education 2022.pdf

Subject Leader Self-Reflection - RE.pdf