Robertsbridge Community College

SMSC and British Values

British values at Robertsbridge Community College

At Robertsbridge Community College we are committed to supporting students' Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural development (SMSC) and promoting British Values. These are  respect and understanding of democracy; the rule of law; individual liberty; mutual respect and tolerance for those of different faiths and beliefs.  British values are promoted through our teaching, and programme of assemblies and form time.  Currently, all students study Religion, Ethics and Philosophy and PSHE, which help to deliver British Values.


Students have numerous opportunities to participate in the school community and have their voices heard. Student leadership opportunities exist and students can have their say via the student council. Regular surveys take place to acquire students’ views on a range of issues that affect their schooling.

There are opportunities for students to take leadership roles in a wide range of areas from Careers Champions to Science Ambassadors.

Students learn about a range of Citizenship topics through PSHE and issues of Democracy through the OCR RS GCSE (full course). There are many other opportunities throughout the curriculum.

The rule of law

As an RCC citizen, students are given a strong grounding in the laws that govern the classroom, the school, their community and the country. Robertsbridge Community College has an inclusive behaviour system that teaches students right from wrong using reward and sanction. Through learning mentor sessions, assemblies and PSHE lessons, students have the opportunity to reflect on laws and how they affect their lives. Visits from outside agencies, such as the Police, help to reinforce this message.

Individual liberty

The Religion, Ethics and Philosophy curriculum encourages students to consider and express their own views on a range of ultimate questions such as: What does it mean to be good? What happens after we die?  By working though controversial topics students learn how to challenge different points of view in an articulate and respectful way. Students feel safe to do so in a calm and purposeful learning environment.

Students are encouraged to know and exercise their rights throughout the curriculum in topics including E-Safety and the UN Declaration of Human Rights. Students are able to make choices in a safe environment; there is a degree of freedom in their curriculum choices and a range of exciting extra-curricular opportunities eg The Duke of Edinburgh Award.

Mutual respect

Robertsbridge Community College is an inclusive school based around the principle of the RCC Citizen. Students are encouraged and expected to support and respect each other at all times. The Anti Bullying Committee and the School Behaviour Policy endorse this principle. 
Students learn about the importance of respect, tolerance and celebration of diversity through PSHE, Religion, Ethics and Philosophy, and the Whole-school Assembly Programme.

Students study Equality and Justice as part of the OCR RS GCSE (full course), which is supported by PSHE.

Discrimination at any level is not tolerated at Robertsbridge Community College. When necessary, racial and bullying incidents are advised to the Local Authority and the policy clearly identifies how the school responds to both individual and repeated incidents.

Tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs

Robertsbridge Community College promotes religious freedom and respect for other faiths. Students undertake academic study of at least six major faiths, including an in depth study through an RS GCSE. A single belief system is not promoted, instead tolerance and harmony of different cultures and faiths is endorsed. The assembly programme provides religious and spiritual opportunities, for example the Gideon’s meeting with Year 7 students.

Religious bullying or discrimination is challenged at all times.